Thursday, March 12, 2009


A wreck is what i feel like right now. It's 1:17 AM and I should be working on my paper over a disease or disorder or pretty much anything medical that makes a person sucky. But all I can think about is what to get my brother for his birthday in like 2 weeks. I was thinking about what he would like and what he would want. And I realized I don't really spend alot of time talking with John. barely any at all. And the time we actually spend together is almost completely nonexsistent. I see Nicole's 98 year old grandmother more often than I see my own brother. I just keep thinking want would John want what does he need and i kept coming back to this realization. I know he is a fine Christian man with an apartment and a good Christian wife. I know he likes to drive his big truck and he likes being a cop. but other than that what do I really know about him? About what he does? What he likes? ... It just hurts. And so what am I to do? My schedule most weeks is kinda full. If I don't work on a day then I still should have something I need to work on. Some homework I need to do. I'm a half semester behind on my online chemistry class and I really had meant to be doing it. I want to be more chairtiable with my money. I had planned on just living off my paycheck from hartland and using the paycheck I get from the church purely for mission work. For donations, for buying things people needed. I was going to buy childrens clothes and childrens vitamins. I had nice plans for things. But now with hours being cut so drastically at work (and I really don't have anything against them for cutting hours, ya gotta do what ya gotta do) I have alot less coming in and I need to depend on that steady paycheck from the church. I got 16 hours this week. This summer and all of next year I plan to be getting an apartment. How am I to afford an apartment on that. And I really yern for my own place. Someplace where I can say, "That's where I live." But don't get me wrong, I really apperciate those who open their homes to me. Those who do everything to make me feel at home. But it still isn't quite home. Some say home is where the family is. I would alter that. Home is where your Loved ones are. That sounds better right? I believe so. I Love Nicole, I Love Mom and Dad, I Love my brother and his wife, I even would say I Love my roomates at college and my friends. And I Love my church family. Now some would look at this model and say that I am blessed to have so many homes. And I am definatly blessed to have so many to Love and Love me back. But i think my home, at least for now is torn between those I Love. They didn't mean to tear it, but they did. And it leaves me stretched to thin at times. But if I don't stretch out to them will I lose them? If I don't keep trying will it all go ka-blewee? I don't know. I once gave a good friend some great advice from the best book I know of. Worry about nothing, instead pray about everything. I really need to pray more. Please pray about that and about these things. I'm going to continue to rant know, so if your still reading thank you, but I really won't be surprised if either you haven't made it this far or you don't wanna read anymore. I would say I don't care either way but I don't like to lie.
This Wednesday we had SonShine kids, just like most every Wednesday. For those of you not in attendance we have been haveing several new kids coming. PTL. I attribute it mostly to the meal we give the children. Nicole and I are charged with, and contratically obligated to, the entirity of SonShine Kids. It's our jobs. But that doesn't keep the Lord from sending more people to do His work. If it was just Nicole and I SonShine kids would be an utter and complete failure. So once again I'm calling a PTL for all the helpers. If it werent for their gifts then I would not want to imagine where we would be. I don't have to worry about music, I don't have to worry about food, I don't even have to worry about watching the boys bathroom (thanks Zach). And there is alot else I dont need to worry about because other volunteers are taking care of it. So what am we left to do? Coordinate the stuff, make major decisions (i.e. the format and rules), and try to learn kids names. Anything else? Oh yeah. I make the lessons. Nicole helps me too, but for the mostpart I adapt the lessons from a curriculum. Now that doesn't mean that if the lesson is about Faith I'm going to teach about Faith. Nope, often I go in a completely different direction or topic because I felt led. If I don't do my job, the kids will come and sing songs that they might learn something from, the kids will get fed, the kids might even have some fun, but for the mostpart they wouldn't learn about Jesus. And If I'm the only one in some punk kids life who is going to tell them about Jesus, you can be sure I'm at least going to try. But lately we have been having some problems. (this is going back to the new kids) I'm really pleased that we have new childern coming to SonShine kids. I am, but with new kids comes new challenges. Take for instance last Wednesday night. The first group of kids (they go in groups, one is upstairs with me in lesson time while the other is downstairs eating, then they switch) was the older bunch. 3rd, 2nd, and a few 1st graders. I was trying to teach about Paul, per Nicole's request since it tied in with mission work and we were introducing Lauren's mission benifiet fundraising thingie. She gaves me some ideas along the oath of making the lesson from scratch but we got it done. It really wasn't all that bad of a lesson if I do say so myself. I'm usually with the kids while we are singing but there was some things and I couldn't be. But I got there for maybe a song and a half. Then Seth released the Grapple kids and I told the kids that this was their oppertunity to go to the bathroom and if they asked later then they werent allowed. ( of course though if it looked like a kid was gonna wet themself i would'a let them go). Then after a while they all came back. By then though the kids who didn't go, or got back sooner were going stir crazy and I'm trying to keep it under control. So I Split them up. I say everyone in 3rd and 2nd grade go over here. and thats about a third of them. Then I ask everyone in 1st grade to raise their hand. (so i could see if I could send the entire 1st grade over with the older or if I would have to split them up) about 6 or 7 kids raised their hands while 3 kids just ran over to the older group. so I was like fine, we can have some unevenness, you guys stay her and u stay there ( to the kids who ran over) but for some reason then they acted like I had just asked them to switch places. We finally got that sorted out and I told the young ones to go downstairs and eat, and the old ones to come upstairs with me to learn about Paul. The older kids were rambunckious, liked to interupt, and just kinda mean. You know whatever, I've been dealing with that for quite some time now. My lesson did not go as planned and I really don't think most of them learned anything except that there was some guy named Paul. We switched groups then, and there are a few key young ones that have defined personas worth mentioning. However I do not feel right discloseing thier names so I will call them Ed, Frank, and Bob. Ed is special. He isn't retarded but he is extremely hyper and distractable. People don't treat Ed with enough tolerance I think. I think alot of times he just gets in trouble and he gets yelled at because that's alot easier than taking the time to do things like he needs. If Ed is content with laying on a couch even after I told everyone not to sit on the couch, but Ed is paying attention, I'm fine with that because Ed is getting something and him paying attention shows me that he is trying. Frank is younger, maybe about 4. He isn't the brightest kid but he is sweet and honest. He can be fairly exciteable and likes to follow the lead of others. He is also good about focusing on whatever he wants to do and shutting the rest of it out mostly. Finally there is Bob. Bob oh Bob. Bob is quite intelligent but you'd never gues it. He is probably the oddest out of the 3 and he could befriend a brick wall. He'll talk to anyone andhe does like to talk to everyone. He often gets distracted and usually takes others with him. Frank likes to follow Bob's lead. So the kids come pouring into the room and I tell them multiple times to not sit on the couches. After having to personally tell a few kids to get on the floor with everyone else the only one left on a couch is Ed. But Ed isn't yelling, he isn't screaming, and he isn't asleep. So I start going with the lesson. I realize that most of these kids can't read so I stop writing key points on the board. I was trying to teach the kids but then Bob and Frank were being a bit disruptive so I had to settle that, and then there was an incident. A new girl, we'll call her Marnie (she couldn't of been too old, maybe she was 4) smacked Frank. Right in front of Nicole. Nicole was telling her that you can't do that and just the perscribed talk for hitting and the girl start balling, screamming and freaking out. So I pointed for Nicole to leave. Well Marnie had a big sister there with her and they were tighter than 2 things that are tight. So Marnie's sister goes to leave with her and Nicole tells her to stay. (We have had a few things with these 2 particular girls before and I could best describe it as completly having no clue or concept of authority. I can deal with people who fight authority and rebel and break rules but they know that authority is there. They at least acknowledge it. These girls acted like they could do whatever they pleased.) So I move to the oppisite direction of Nicole taking Marnie out of the room and Marnie's sister trying to go with her. I'm trying to keep the focus on the lesson. Well, while I and Nicole were distracted Frank and Bob gone to the oter side of the room and were playing, so i reel them in ( only for a moment) and then I keep trying the lesson. About 2 subgroups with about 3 kids each then formed in the back. they are clearly not paying attention but are talking quitely. Frank and Bob are doing something and Ed is thankfully complacent on the couch. Then frank and bob get to Ed and the 3 start getting a bit nuts. I'm trying to get everyone's attentions. Marnie's sister has her back turned to me pouting for the rest of the time. (You see often times in the relationship between siblings this close they use eachother as crutches. When you seperate them the younger one doesn't know how to act for herself because the older one is always watching out for her and making decsions. But the older one doesn't know how to deal with their own problems and so just calms up). So now after my attempts at getting attention I have regained some to the group but I would like to get the rest. And the worst part is, about half of them this whole time are sitting down, listeing intently. I just don't know what to do. I do something. I try to teach while getting kids to pay attetion. That worked GREAT! not really. I ran over a few minutes, rushed a prayer, and then someone told me to release the van kids first. So I did. And then some non van kids went with them downstairs. I had had it so I just left the rest go. Then, completely drained I collapsed to the floor and laid there for a few minutes. I just needed to get away so a few more minutes after I got up Nicole and I left. So what am I to do about this. I barely know some of these kids names, how am I suposed to change thier lives. How am I supposed to form personal relationships with 40-60 some odd kids??? I have alot more in my life than SonShine kids but I do believe I am supposed to be here, doing this. I would have talked to those two girls parents next time but they ride the bus with Max. What am I supposed to do? I don't think it would be quite right to come into thier house and telling them about how their child was missbehaving. That isn't really where I lay the blame though. I lay it on the parents. If a child has no respect for authority, who do you think tought them authority? Parents. If a child doesn't thinks they can do whatever they want so long as it's not too loud and doesn't make a mess what does this tell me? I might be jumping a bit here but I believe that tells me that at home if they don't get in the way of mom and dad then their parents don't really care what they do. Parents need to encourage kids to do positive things. Parenting is like training a dog in some aspects. You can hit a dog everytime it pees in the house and it will stop peeing in the house. The dog will probably get by but it wont do anything amazing. It won't thrive. You must take a instrest. Don't just teach what not to do, teach how to do. Don't just teach about what things are wrong, teach why they are wrong, teach why things are right. I have just 1 hour with these kids a week. Just 1. If parents arn't doing thier role at home the rest of the time, how is what I do supposed to help. I really REALLY care about these kids, and what they are supposed to be learning form me. And when I put all that caring and energy, all of me into trying to do this and it blows up in my face. And some kid spits on it because they'd rather talk to thier buddy than learn about Jesus. He gave so much and He doesn't deserve that. I'm not saying I'm perfect, and I'm not even a parent so who am I to be talking to parents about parenting? But I know want I am. Broken, torn, beaten, exhausted, failed. If I don't teach all of these kids about Jesus I think I've failed. Maybe that's setting my goals to high but I don't care. I can see the changes in some kids lives and I rejoice for that. But I can see that evil in other childerns lives. I can see bad homes, bad situation, bad parents. I can feel it from them. And me not being able to change that hurts so bad. I just don't know what to do. It's 3AM, and I need to go to bed. Thanks for reading, or at least scrolling down.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Nicole, Lynette, and I went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra, which will further be called TSO, yesterday. William also was going to come but at last minute he couldn't make it. They were amazing! We were going to go swimming bust then the hotel had an outdoor pool, not in indoor one. Oh well, you can't always get what you want. The hotel was next to this place called Chateau Thomas Winery. I mean't to get a pic but didn't. I wanted to take of tour or something but we didn't have time.
We decided we wanted Chinese to eat so we looked up two chinese places we though were near the concert. When we got on the street and started reading the numbers, I quickly figured out we had made a bad mistake. They were about 80+ blocks away. Luckily Lynette spotted a B-Dubs that was great =] So we go to a parking garage and I wanted to go to the top! Nicole parked on the 3rd floor in the spot with our number on it. I figured this garage was like 5 stories high so I was like I wanna go to the top and take a pic or two. So I can up the stairs. IT WAS LIKE TEN STORIES HIGH. I get to the top with well below freezing air flooding my lungs over and over and I run over to the highest side to snap a few pics. Then I walk back and the girls met me at the elevator. Also I found a plastic pitcher of frozen bud light up there. We then walked to the B-Dubs and got warm and full. Then Nicole realized we left the tickets in the car. I said I would go get them while the girls stayed warm. So I walked all the way back up there, and then all the way back down to B-Dubs. Then we went to the concert. We played Eye Spy while we waited on it to start. Which is realy fun in a room the size of 3 or 4 of my church. The concert it self was practically indescribable. I'll just hit on some of the highlights. Lets see, amazing light effects unlice any I'd ever seen, excellent singers, guitarists, violinists, and a bunch of other guys, lots of fog, on cue "snowing", duelling instruments, jets and balls of flame, anything else? OH YEAH, the jet powered stage. It was pretty wicked. Then we went back to the hotel watched TV and slept. The drive home was icy and I'm being a bit lazy and I'll let you read about it on Nicole's blog, I'm sure she will write about it :) Have fun guys and try my new Wacky search!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Note the date above for the title

Today was kind of a good day. Definatly not bad. First off I got up between 10-11. Me and Nicole played Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and life was good. Then i needed something. Food. So Nicole's mom called over to the restuarant in Westphalia (admit it, some of you are like, "there's a restuarant in Westphalia?" Well there is and it is delisch) and orders us food. So I went to go get it, but she gave me a twenty to pay 4 it :)
I got a bacon cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato and I added mustard when I got back. I also got mozz stix. I can't help but thinking of my Grandma every other time I talk about mozz sticks. Nicole got some chicken sandwich and mozz sticks also. and we ate and watched part of a Numbers. Life was good. Then I was messaging Wills on the XBox to see if it was cool If i came over. I felt I needed some man time. But he was setting up the tree with his parents and its some sort of tradition, cool for him, not for me :( But i get to see him tommorow which is kinda like seeing him today but postdated. Also i logged enough man hours playing with gears of war/ playing fire. Also I think I will now be of better benifiet to the youth and childrens ministries because I am now the proud owner of a goatee! Nicole supports my descion too! ;) she is such a cutie sometimes. I don't know what I would do without my good woman by my side. and I mean that.
Anywho, Nicole went away for work and then played videos games all day. oh yeah, when I got hungry again I ate leftover B-Dubs and pistachios! EAT THAT! have fun guys! *waves*

Sorry guys.

I feel I should apolagize for the notable melodrama that these papers may contain. Maybe not apolagize, but at least warn you. Enjoy!

My Hero

My hero is Nicole. She is kind, helps others, and provides to people in need.
Nicole doesn’t readily insult someone even if she ha every right to do so. She would rather help someone out then leave them in a situation where they have no clue what they are doing.
On days when I miss the lecture in Algebra 2 she is there to teach me everything I missed even if I was sleeping. She often will take a friend home if he has missed their ride or cannot drive for some reason.
Nicole provides to people in need. When I quit my job I had no money to pay for anything. She would take me out to dinner or buy me a drink from Starbucks. When I had almost no gas in my car she would drive me or buy me gas.
All these things make Nicole my hero.

Photographer Joe Galloway

Photographer Joe Galloway was in the first conflict between American troops and Vietnamese soldiers. It was the culmination of many men’s deaths and the unexpected use of a rifle rather than a camera that burned this story deep into Joe Galloway. Colonel Hal Moore told Joe that he had to write this story. It was of the utmost importance that the men who died at the battle in the Ia Drang Valley were not forgotten by the American people.
Joe Galloway and Hal Moore wrote “We Were Soldiers Once…and Young.” It was about the bloody conflict in the Ia Drang Valley. In the Ia Drang Valley 234 of our soldiers died and 242 were wounded. However an estimated 837 dead and 1,365 wounded. It was very clear that Lt. Hal Moore inspired and guided his troops to do better than they ever thought they could. They were up against a force of Vietnamese regular soldiers, not just some gooks from a village. Even though the Vietnamese had over four times our troops, local knowledge of the ground, and some of them had over 20 years of battle experience we came out victorious.
Joe Galloway did not just write about others fighting in the valley, he actually fought the to repel the Vietnamese from our lines. Furthermore this was not uncommon for Joe to participate in combat and to report on it. Galloway's overseas postings include tours in India, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and three years as the United Press International bureau chief in Moscow in the former Soviet Union. Galloway covered the 1971 India-Pakistan War served four tours as a war correspondent in Vietnam and also covered half a dozen other combat operations. Galloway covered Desert Shield/Desert Storm, riding with the 24th Infantry Division in the assault into Iraq. On May 1, 1998, Galloway was decorated with a Bronze Star Medal with V for rescuing wounded soldiers under fire in the Ia Drang Valley. Galloway was awarded the National Magazine Award in 1991 for a U.S. News cover article on the 25th anniversary of the Ia Drang battle.
Barry Pepper played Joe Galloway in the movie version, of the book “We Were Soldiers Once…and Young”, called “We Were Soldiers.” In this movie Lt. Col. Hal Moore, played by star Mel Gibson, lead his troops, along with the help Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley, played by Sam Elliott, into the Ia Drang Valley. The landing zone, also known as the LZ, was called X-Ray. After a couple landings this landing zone was declared too hot and was closed. Lt. Col. Hal Moore needed more troops and he also needed to get the wounded out of the valley. He ordered the making of a new landing zone and his men blew a hole in the forest. This allowed reinforcements to enter the valley and fight off these North Vietnamese regulars. After a long intense battle Hal Moore decided to push up the mountain and take the Vietnamese base. After the battle was won a helicopter dropped in and let off the regular reporters. They immediately rushed Joe Galloway who was awestruck about this bloody battle in a land far away from home. Hal Moore told Joe that he had to tell the story of these men. The men that fought and died not for America, but for each other are the men composed in this real life story.
The book that Joe Galloway wrote about the Ia Drang Valley was the hardest story in his life to tell. This battle forged him for a lifetime of reporting on who the American soldier really was. He would further his reputation as a great reporter and friend to all American fighting men.

Hola Captin

Hola Captin,
Cómo está usted hoy. Ahora usted se está sentando al lado de Tony. Usted está trabajando en muestras del camino. Me pregunto si comemos buenas fritadas hoy en el almuerzo. Me aburren. Kent está mirando una muestra para los ganados. Kent tiene una muestra que diga Topes. Le veré en el almuerzo Morgan.