The average working teenager earns a wage between $5.15/hour and $6/hour. Unlike after we graduate, women make usually make more money with the exception being manual labor. I landed a job working in a warehouse for $7.50/hour. Monetarily speaking I was a lucky one. However there was still a few problems.
Summer break was in full swing and Nicole and I were living large. We were going to see movies, taking trips to Evansville, going bowling, and we lazied around as well. Then I woke up one day and dad had gotten me a job. Almost everyday that I worked, which was Monday through Friday, was an 8 hour day. Sometimes it was more than 8 hours. I had what most people refer to as a full-time job. My job included: using a forklift to load and unload semi-trailers, arrange things, fill orders, burn trash, sort pallets, landscape. In the beginning my only company was my boss and co-worker C.J. Then he had to go to summer school. I was left to do most of the work by myself. Every weekday I was there from 8 AM to at least 5 PM, but I was usually working until about 6 PM. I made good money, but that was all I did.
In the mornings I would awake at 6:30 AM. I would eat breakfast every morning. Then I would head off to work. When I got off work I was tired and in need of a shower. After I took one I would head over to Nicole's house. In those times I only got to see her about 2 hours a day. I didn't get to spend any time with my family except for when mom would see me off. My job was good if all I was wanting to do was it, but that wasn't the case. I wanted to be with Nicole. To dwell in her enchanting presence was the desire that got me through almost all the days I worked for Chris Hall.
I had a job where I made enough money to save, but I didn't. I spent most of it on Nicole and on dates with her. But how could a student hold down a good job like this and still survive? Let's do the math. Most companies operate on a 5 work day week. There are 120 hours in a work week. Take away 40 hours for a full-time job and you have 80 hours. Attending school will take up 35 hours in a work week. Accounting also for the recommended 8 hours of sleep leaves with 1 hour every workday to: bathe, drive from place to place, eat dinner, study, practice for sports, attend extracurricular activities. The biggest spender of time for a student though, is homework. The truest example of this is that as I am writing this sentence it is September 15, 2006 at 3:56 AM. Since school overloads us students with homework, it is impossible for a student such as myself to hold down a good job.
I was able to work a well paying job over the summer, but in the school year it would have been a completely different story. It would deprive me of good education, good health, and good hair all because I had to stay up late doing homework after work. Having a good job and going to high school are two gears that just don't mesh.
{when God [finally] opens the door}
9 years ago
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